
Inter University Startup Idea Competition 2023

Event Overview

We are thrilled to announce the “Inter University Startup Idea Competition 2023,” organized by the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chenab in collaboration with the UChenab Innovation Hub. This exciting event is set to take place on October 26, 2023, and promises to be a dynamic platform for aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators in the field of computer science. Participants from various renowned universities in Gujrat, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Jhelum, and Mandi Bahauddin will converge to showcase their creative and groundbreaking startup ideas. The competition is designed to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, and we encourage all computer science enthusiasts to participate. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three positions, and certificates will be provided to all participants. To be part of this exciting event, make sure to register by October 20, 2023. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to turn your computer science ideas into reality! 

The event is open to undergraduate students in BS programs related to computer science or relevant fields, and there is no registration fee. We would like to emphasize that department of Computer Science from each university can nominate the top three projects, each consisting of two members, to participate in the competition. Additionally, we extend a warm invitation to supervisors from your department to join us on the event day. Their insights and guidance would be invaluable in enriching the experience for the participants.

Startup Idea Theme:

The “ Inter UniversityStartup Idea Competition 2023″ encourages participants to focus their innovative ideas on themes and concepts related to the field of computer science. This broad theme encompasses a wide range of possibilities, including but not limited to:
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Develop cutting-edge solutions using AI and ML techniques to solve real-world problems. 
  • Cybersecurity: Propose novel approaches to enhance online security, protect data, and safeguard digital infrastructure. 
  • Data Science and Analytics: Create data-driven solutions that provide insights and support decision-making processes. 
  • Software Development: Innovate in software engineering, application development, or software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions. 
  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: Explore opportunities in blockchain technology, decentralized applications (DApps), or digital currencies. 
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Develop solutions that leverage IoT devices and networks to address practical challenges. 
  • HealthTech and MedTech: Pioneer innovations in healthcare technologies, telemedicine, or medical device development. 
  • Educational Technology: Design solutions that improve the educational experience through e-learning platforms, edtech tools, or virtual classrooms. 
  • Fintech: Explore opportunities in financial technology, payment solutions, or digital banking services. 
  • GreenTech: Propose eco-friendly technologies or sustainability-focused solutions that contribute to a greener future. 
These are just some examples, and participants are encouraged to think creatively and propose startup ideas that have the potential to disrupt and positively impact the computer science and technology landscape. We look forward to seeing your inventive and forward-thinking concepts at the competition. 


Maximum of two members of each team can register for the competition. To participate, students are required to register their team by the deadline of October 20, 2023. Please complete your registration using the following link: registration page.


Participants are kindly requested to prepare a concise and engaging PowerPoint (PPT) presentation as an integral part of your participation in the event. Your PPT presentation should provide a clear and structured overview of your startup idea, allowing you to effectively communicate your concept within the 10 minutes time. Moreover extra 5 minutes will be reserved for Questions Answers Session. Presenting a startup idea in 10 minutes requires concise and focused content. Here is a streamlined version of the content you should include in each slide for a 10-minute presentation:  
Title Slide
  • Title of Your Startup Idea
  • Your Name and Team Members
  • University Name
Problem Statement
  • Briefly describe the problem your startup addresses.
  • Highlight the significance of the problem.
Solution Overview
  • Present your innovative solution or product.
  • Explain how it solves the identified problem.
  • Use visuals or prototypes if available.
Market Analysis
  • Define your target market and its size.
  • Provide a quick overview of market trends, growth, and demand.
  • Highlight your unique value proposition.
Competitor Analysis
  • Identify key competitors.
  • Explain how your solution differs from or improves upon existing alternatives.
  • Highlight your competitive advantage.
Business Model
  • Describe your revenue model (e.g., subscription, freemium, one-time purchase).
  • Explain your pricing strategy.
  • Conclude by summarizing the key points of your presentation.
Q&A Slide
  • Reserve a slide for audience questions and answers.

Date and Venue

The competition will take place on 26-Oct-2023 at the auditorium of the University of Chenab, providing a conducive and inspiring environment for participants to present their startup ideas. 

Stay tuned for additional information and updates about the event, which will be posted on this website soon. We look forward to welcoming you to the “Uchenab Startup Idea Competition 2023” and witnessing the innovative ideas that will shape the future of computer science and technology. 

Contact Information:

For further information or inquiries, you can reach out to the event focal person, M. Saad Bin Ilyas, a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, via WhatsApp at 03338407344 or email at msaad@cs.uchenab.edu.pk. He will be happy to assist you with any questions or clarifications. 

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