

Facilities and Labs


Research in The University of Chenab serves as a backbone to the field of research in Pakistan. Like every university all-round the globe, the target of this university is to search the solution of some common problems faced by the local as well as the international community. It ensures to engage the post doctorates, students, and field specialists for this purpose of problem finding. Evidently, this creates an impact in the society and raises the standard bars of the institute.
The aspiration behind institutional administration of research execution is to make sure that the research runs smoothly. Besides, the institution aspires to improve the process of policy making, finding financial funding sources from both public as well as private sources, providing new research projects so that faculty feels motivated to work on their respective research ideas, and last but not least proper monitoring to ensure accountability. Apart from this, university of Chenab focuses on the transformation of the research turnout into commercialized product, so as to connect the academic output with the market and commercial platforms. This commercialization of research output them enables the institutes to access more financial funding and also enables the university to utilize the monetary benefits from the commercialization of one research output to carry out new research and hence extend this field.

Office Of Research, Innovation & Commercialization

Introduction And Objectives

This department in any educational institute works for the betterment of research opportunities and to create a linking chain between numerous prospects and groups of a community that are essential for commercializing the proposed research project. In this way the research results are being incorporated in our daily lives by a continuous effort from students, economists, educational institutes, and industrialists.


Expediting novel revelations:

The administrative officers at the university aim to support the research projects financially as well as mentally by encouraging the scholars, assuring an exploratory environment, and promoting an ethical research ambience, and ensuring the highest quality research work. Evidently, this promotes the novel revelations.

Cultivating industrial association and entrepreneurship:

The University of Chenab aims to collaborate all the factors of community by amalgamating administrative, industrial, academic, as well as the agronomic sector. This not only facilitates the research, but also connects the research idea and research gap with the different prospects of a society and aids in gaining financial resourcing and patents after approval.


To experience a growth in our research field and to ensure economic development are the two major aims of ORIC. It not only upgrades our industrial ambitiousness using creativity but also becoming the compelling force that drives the areas of research & development in the country.

ORIC Responsibilities

ORIC deals with the area of funding and grant allocation. It is the only field that allows direct link between the faculty members and the sponsors thus allowing the faculty to collect the required grants for lab work, instruments, and travel quota. It also deals with all legalities related to grant collection and funding. Apart from this, it deals with patenting of research products of any institute with which it is working. Moreover, it also held awareness seminars so that the research scholars as well as faculties can be made aware of the level of incredible opportunities that they can enjoy using ORIC.

Our Research Journal

International Journal of Information Management Sciences is an annual research journal published by the University of the Chenab (Uchenab). Initially, it was published by the Pakistan Librarian Welfare Organization (PLWO) in 2012. After signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the University of Chenab and the Pakistan Librarian Welfare Organization in 2022, the journal is published through both organizations but the main responsibility is the University of Chenab. This is multi-discipline journal and covers many areas related to Humanities, Social Sciences and Management Sciences. It is published online as an “open access policy”. IJIMS welcomes contributions from all around the world and has a wide range of readers.

Access Journal:

Structure and Governance

When institutes collaborate with the ORIC, they make a professor the in-charge of ORIC for that institute. The in-charge persone is responsible for giving report to the vice chancellor and deal with the affairs that are concerned to ORIC. But heads are not selected randomly, if fact they are selected on the basis of the criteria given by the HEC. ORIC steering committee is made for this purpose which consist of at least 7 members. ORIC has two major sections in governance that are ORIC and research management.

ORIC Strategic (5-Year) Plan

ORIC plans to adopt the guidelines given by the Higher Educational Department (HEC) to promote creativity and innovation along with drastically improvising and upgrading research facilities, grant allocation, and practical representation of the research ideas in everyday life by patent achievement.

Performance Monitoring and Evaluation

A wing is made named as the research and development wing. This wing works with the HEC and ORIC to perform evaluation test on the institutes educational as well as research management field. All the grants that are awarded to the institute will be spent after proper check and balance by the ORIC. Moreover, all the financial activities will be managed by this department. If ORIC in any institute fails to comply to the standards, then it will be considered invalid after receiving warning.


Research Management

Numerous prospects are to be considered while managing the area of research in any institution. Some of these components are mentioned below:
Research outlining & methodology evolution:
With the passage of time and development in every field from instrument to techniques and the ever changing demands of the society, institutions also need to devise new strategies and research ideas. Moreover, the research outlines should also be altered. Fortunately, this component is evaluated effectively in the University of Chenab. This administrative wing of our administration resolve the research outline, evaluates the research activities, executes the attainment of financial funding, consider the aspect of incentives, manages the hierarchal position of the university, and also administers the policy making processes.
Acquiring research projects and their implementation:
This aspect covers the work related to research projects and how different disciplines in the university can work collectively to ensure better working and collaborative efforts.
Evaluation of proper working:
This area evaluates the outcome rates in the research facilities, regulates the availability of outcomes and the commercialization of the outcomes.

Innovation and Commercialization

Transforming the research outcome into a commercial service & product for the purpose of attaining pecuniary benefits is referred to as commercialization. University of Chenab ensures to acquire the intellectual property label for all the research outcomes obtained so that no one would be able to utilize the idea without proper patent. This process involves proper licensing.

Benefits to Academic Staff:

Commercialization opens the paths of career for many people. Moreover, the already working faculty acquires monetary benefits in the form of additional income from the process of commercialization.

Benefits to the University:

Commercialization connects the research filed with the markets and industry. It provides a proof for the contributions of research in solving the problems of the community. Moreover, commercialization ensures that the university is benefited monetarily. These pecuniary benefits can be invested further and also ensure that further funding’s are also acquired. Besides, it builds a positive image of the institution in all the fields from academic to industries and even markets.

Meet the Team

Finding a Research Supervisor

Finding a suitable research supervisor is a comprehensive task that requires movement through proper channel. Supervisors are the guiding star for any scholar and guide them about every aspect of research beforehand. Every institute has its own process. Some require a proper research proposal beforehand while other ask you to contact your anticipated supervisor in-formally before proper selection, so as to discuss your research ideas and the relation between your idea and the research field of your expected supervisor

By Keyword

In order to find the supervisor using the keyword you need to open google scholar and write the topics of choice. Articles related to it will start to appear. Open the writer of on article and see the profile. If he is suitable for your work, then obtain the contact info from his homepage. Repeat the same process and segregate a few suitable supervisors. Then contact them through a formal mail that contains your credentials, CV, and grades. And then patiently wait for their reply.


By Fields of Research

Following steps must be taken for this purpose:

  • Select an area of interest and analyze whether the research idea is multifaceted or related to a single discipline
  • If idea is multifaceted then search for supervisors who are related to other institutions as well.
  • Search the staff profiles and open their google scholar profiles in order to gain knowledge about their field of interest and research.
  • Also go through the instrument availability.
  • If you fail to find this information, then contact the administration or get in contact with your desired supervisor:

By Faculty

Finding faculty supervisor is a priority of most students for this purpose you need to know about faculty as well as their field of research. For this purpose, you can contact the seniors or the faculty director. Then contact the supervisor in a formal way. Then ask then for a phone call, video conference or personal meet up when convenient. Students need to proceed through proper channel and exhibit patience during the course of this process.


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