
Quality Enhancement Cell

Institutional Performance Evaluation

Enhancement Cell

‘The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)’has been a part of University of Chenab since the very beginning. According to the quality assurance groundwork of Higher Education Commission it is essential for any educational institute to have a quality enhancement cell so as to maintain a proper check and balance on both academic as well as research field.


  • Introduction: Quality Education has always been the prime focus of the University of Chenab. The Management ensures quality in every dimension and manner whether it is to provide infrastructure and ancillary facilities to students or to develop intellect in them.
  • Mission: The University of Chenab resolves to guarantee its stakeholders that the quality of the university education is maintained and enhanced as per HEC guidelines and international standards, also procedures and protocols are regularly checked for transparency and objectivity to achieve quality enhancement.
  • Primary Functions: As per the instructions of HEC, the primary responsibilities of the QEC of Univeristy of Chenab are as follows:
    i. To promote public confidence that the quality and standards of the award of degrees are enhanced and safeguarded. 

ii. To review the quality standards and the quality of teaching and learning in each subject area.
iii. To review the academic affiliations with other institutions in terms of effective management of standards and quality of programs.
iv. To define clear and explicit standards as points of reference to the reviews to be carried out. It should also help the employees to know as to what they could expect from candidates.
v. To apply Pakistan Qualification Framework for curriculum development. The faculty is also appointed according to the revised HEC Eligibility Criteria.
vi. To develop program specifications. These are the standard set of information clarifying what knowledge, understanding, skills and other attributes a student will have developed on successfully completing a specific program.
vii. To develop quality assurance processes and methods of evaluation to affirm that quality of provision and standard of awards are being maintained and to foster curriculum, subject and staff development, together with research and other scholarly activities.
viii. To ensure that the university’s quality assurance procedures are designed to fit in with the arrangements in place nationally for maintaining and improving the quality of Higher Education as per HEC standards.
ix. QEC at the University of Chenab is also responsible to develop procedures for the following:

  • Annual monitoring and evaluation including program monitoring, faculty monitoring, and student perceptions
  • Departmental Review
  • Self-Assessment Reports
  • Quality Assurance through Post Graduate Program Review of MS, MPhil, and PhD degree programs
  • Institutional assessment
  • Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
  • Implementation of all HEC Surveys.

Self PostGraduate Program Review

The quality of MS, MPhil, and PhD level programs are peer reviewed keeping in view the minimum criteria of HEC to enhance their quality to make them internationally compatible.
The QEC at UChenab conducted the Post Graduate Program Review (PGPR) on March 2024, as per the HEC guidelines. The procedure is as follows:
Program manuals were prepared on prescribed HEC pro-formas by the respective departments.
Program Manuals were reviewed by a panel comprising internal as well as external members:
1). Dr. Ahmad Adeel (Convener), Chairperson of Business Education
2). Mr. Furqan Durrani (Internal Member), Assistant Director QEC
3). Mr. Syed Faizan Haider (External Member), Director QEC University of Lahore
4). Mr. Hafeez Rafiq (External Member), Manager QEC University of Lahore
A detailed report was prepared by the Review Panel and shared with the worthy Pro Rector.
The quality of all MS/MPhil programs was reported to be Satisfactory.

HEC NOCS for Postgraduate Programs

The University of Chenab has obtained No Objection Certificates from HEC for the following MS/MPhil programs.

  1. Master of Philosophy in Accounting and Finance
  2. Master of Philosophy in Management Sciences
  3. Master of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics
  4. Master of Philosophy in English Literature
  5. Master of Science in Computer Science
  6. Master of Science in Software Engineering
  7. Master of Philosophy in Food Science and Technology
  8. Master of Philosophy in Mathematics 
  9. Master of Philosophy in Physics
  10. Master of Philosophy in Pharmaceutics
  11. Master of Science in Physical Therapy

Self-Assessment Process

HEC requires universities to conduct periodic self-assessments for their academic programs to improve them and ensure high academic standards. Self-assessment is an important tool for educational quality assurance and provides feedback for faculty and administration to initiate action plans for improvement.
To achieve the objectives as mentioned above, Self-Assessment Reports (SAR) about each program were initiated in the light of the HEC Self-Assessment Manual.
The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) was responsible for planning, coordinating, and following up on the self-assessment (SA) activities for the year 2023-24. The steps of the procedure for SA are as follows:
1. The QEC initiated the SA one semester before the end of the assessment cycle through the Pro-Rector Office in which the program is offered.
2. Upon receiving the initiation letter the department formed a program team (PT). The PT was responsible for preparing a self-assessment report (SAR) about the program under consideration over one semester.
3. The department shall submit the SAR to the QEC through the concerned Chairperson. The QEC reviewed the SAR within one month to ensure that it was prepared according to the required format.
4. The Pro-Rector formed a program assessment team (AT) in consultation with the QEC. The AT is comprised of senior faculty members from within the university along with the Chairperson of the respective department or his nominee as a subject specialist.
5. The QEC scheduled the AT visit period in coordination with the department that is offering the program.
6. The AT conducted the assessment and presented its findings in an exit meeting that was attended by the QEC, Chairperson, Program Team (PT), and faculty members.
7. The QEC submitted an executive summary of the AT findings to the Pro-Rector.
8. The Department prepared and submitted an implementation plan to QEC based on the AT findings. The plan included AT findings and the corrective actions to be taken, the assignment of responsibility, and a time frame for such actions.
9. The QEC shall follow up on the implementation plan to ensure departments are adhering to the implementation plan. The academic department shall inform the QEC each time a corrective action is implemented. QEC shall review the implementation plan once a semester to assess the progress of implementation.


Objective of this section is to assure that all the undergrad level programs of HEIs are accredited by its respective accreditation council. For the purpose, the section administers the activities in respect of establishing new accreditation councils and coordinating with existing councils, assessing their performance and build their capacity.

Existing Accreditation Councils/Professional Bodies:

    1. Pakistan Bar Council (PBC)        
    2. Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC)            
    3. Pakistan Pharmacy Council (PCP) 
    4. National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC)
    5. Allied Health Professionals Council


University of Uchenab


Memberships of QEC at UChenab

University Administration has a strong focus and resolve to bring all administrative, management, and academic activities into the ambit of quality assurance. To include his opinion in the formation and implementation of various policies, QEC has been included in the following authorities: –

Name of the statutory body

  • Academic Council
  • Board of Advanced Studies and Research
  • Board of Studies
  • Selection Board
  • Finance & Planning Committee
Meet the Team

The information will be shared soon.