
Ahmad Adeel

Academic Position:

Associate Professor/ Chairperson

Teaching Interests:

Organizational Behavior; Conflict and Negotiation Management; Creativity and Innovation Management; Leadership and Change Management;

Fields of Research (FoR):

Organizational Behavior; HRM; Leadership


Employee Creativity; Unethical Behaviors; Workplace Conflicts


Department of Business Education


Faculty of Business Education

Contact Details:

Social Links

Student Advising Schedule:

9:00 am to 5:00 pm

BIOGRAPHY | Ahmad Adeel

Dr. Ahmad Adeel is an Associate Professor at the School of Management, The University of Chenab, Gujrat Pakistan. His areas of interests are in Organizational Behavior; Conflict and Negotiation Management; Creativity and Innovation Management; Leadership and Change Management. His current program of research focuses on Employee Creativity; Unethical Behaviors; and Workplace Conflicts. He holds Post-Doctorate from Universiti Sains Malaysia and PhD in Business Administration with a major in Management from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China


No. Designation School/Institute/University
1 Associate Professor The University of Lahore
2 Assistant Professor The University of Lahore
3 Assistant Professor Bahauddin Zakariya University


No. Degree / Program of Study Name Awarding Body/University/Institute
1 Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China.
2 Master of Studies in Business Administration Lahore Leads University, Pakistan
3 MBA (Management Sciences) Virtual University of Pakistan
4 Master of Science (Computer Science) Bahauddin Zakariya University, Pakistan.


No. Title Details
1 Leaders’ Ambition and Followers’ Cheating Behavior: The Role of Performance Pressure and Leader Identification Frontiers in Psychology Adeel, Ahmad; Daisy Mui Hung, Kee; Anila, Sadaf Mubashir; Sarminah, Samad; Yahya Qasim Daghriri (2023).
2 Intrinsic motivation and Creativity: Role of Digital Technology and Knowledge Integration Ability in Facilitating Creativity  International Journal of Management Studies Adeel, Ahmad; Batool, Samreen; Madni, Zain-ul-abdeen; Daisy Mui Hung, Kee (2023).
3 Why cognitive absorption is not enough: Role of knowledge absorption capacity and technological opportunity for individual learning Asian Academy of Management Journal Adeel, Ahmad; Batool, Samreen; Madni, Zain-ul-abdeen; Daisy Mui Hung, Kee (2023).
4 LMX and Creative Idea Validation: The Role of Helping and Bullying Asian Academy of Management Journal Adeel, Ahmad; Batool, Samreen; Madni, Zain-ul-abdeen; Daisy Mui Hung, Kee; Khan, Muhammad (2022).
5 Conflict Side of Creativity: Role of Supervisory Support and Team Affective Tone in Facilitating Creative Idea Validation Frontiers in Public Health Adeel, Ahmad; Daisy Mui Hung, Kee; Yahya Qasim Daghriri (2022)
6 Perceived Determinants and Barriers of Recruitment Process Outsourcing in Service Sector of Pakistan- A Qualitative Approach. International Journal of Applied Management Science Memon, Mehreen; Aqil, Muhammad, Soomro, Kamran; Adeel, Ahmad (2021).
7 Corporate Environmentalism: An Emerging Economy Perspective Sustainability Saleem, Farida; Gopinath, C; Khattak, Amira; Qureshi, Saiqa; Allui, Alawiya; Adeel, Ahmad (2020).
8 Impact of Servant Leadership on Performance: The Mediating Role of Affective and Cognitive Trust     Sage Open Saleem, Farida; Zhang, Ying; Gopinath; Adeel, Ahmad (2020).
9 Leadership and employee attitudes: The mediating role of perception of organizational politics Cogent Business and Management Khuwaja, Uzair; Ahmed, Kaleem; Abid, Ghulam; Adeel, Ahmad (2020).
10 Conflict and creative idea endorsement: Do subordinates’ political skills and implementation instrumentality matter?   International Journal of Conflict Management Adeel, Ahmad; Pengcheng, Zhang; Saleem, Farida; Ali, Rizwan (2019).
11 Social Networks, Psychological Empowerment, and Work Outcomes: Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment Dimensions on the Relations between Social Networks, Job Dedication, and Individual Creativity. International Journal of Business Environment Adeel, Ahmad; Batool, Samreen; Ali, Rizwan (2019).

Currently Supervising


Areas of Supervision Management Sciences

Currently Supervising

Student Name Research Topic Affiliation


Student Name Research Topic Affiliation
Safdar , Faiza (2021)- Leaders Unknowingly Making Cheaters; The Impact Of Leader’s Positive Strategy On Employee Cheating Behavior
Zakariya, Muhammad (2021)- Leader Member Exchange And Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior: Mediating Role Of Organizational Commitment
Shan, Ali (2021)- Abusive Supervision” And “Creative Performance”: Moderating Role Of Employee’s Identification With Organization And Leader
Arshad, Iram (2021)- Job Advertisement And Job Seekers’ Behavior: Role Of Organizational Attractiveness
Iftikhar, Ammara (2019)- Social Media Multi-Tasking And Academic Competence: Role Of Individual Difference
Ali, Sajid (2019)- Workplace Bullying And Employee Dignity: Examining The Mediating Effect Of Employee Voice And Employee Silence
Hassan, Hammad (2019)- Technology And Employee Performance: A Study Of Banking Sector Of Pakistan


Course Information (Name/Code) Year Taught Program (BS/MS/PhD) University /Institute
Managerial Leadership MGT05302 BS The University of Lahore
Advanced Research Methodology FIN601 MS The University of Lahore
Leadership and Change Management MGT02429 BS The University of Lahore
Conflict Management MGMT6427 MS The University of Lahore
Seminar in Macro Organizational Behavior MGT5203 MS The University of Lahore
Managing Innovation DSTG9518 MS The University of Lahore
Negotiation and Conflict Management MGT02820 MS The University of Lahore
Leadership and Change Management MGT02429 BS The University of Lahore
Negotiation and Conflict Management MGT02820 MS The University of Lahore