
Board of Governance

Board of Advanced Studies and Research

The board of advance studies and research shall consist of

  • Rector (Convener)
  • All Deans
  • All Principals as well as Directors of constituent colleges and institutes.
  • Controller of Examinations
  • One UniversityProfessor from each Faculty other than Dean will be in the nomination of Academic Council
  • Three members from the relevant field, research organizations as well as Government, will be in nomination by the Board
  • One member from amongst the officers of the University will be in nomination by the Rector; and
  • Registrar (Secretary)

(2) The members other than ex-officio members of the board of advance studies and research shall hold office for a term of three years. They hence shall be eligible for re-appointment on the expiry of their term of office. 

(3) Meanwhile, The quorum for a meeting of the Board of Advanced Studies and Research will be one half of the total number of members.

Functions of the Board of Advanced Studies and Research

The Board of Advanced Studies and Research shall:

  • Advise an Authority on all matters connected with the promotion of advanced studies as well as research publication in the University
  • Consider and report to an Authority with regard to a research degree of the University
  • Propose regulations regarding the award of a research degree
  • Appoint supervisors for a postgraduate research student and to hence approve title and synopsis of a thesis or dissertation
  • Recommend panels of names of examiners for evaluation of a research examination. They perform such other functions as it is prescribe by the Regulations.