
Board of Governance

Selection Board

The Selection Board shall consist of:

  • Deputy Chairman (Convener)
  • Rector
  • Dean of the Faculty concerned
  • Chairperson concerned
  • Two experts in the subject to be nominated by the Rector
  • one eminent scholar to be nominated by the Company; and Registrar (Secretary)

(2) The members other than ex-officio members of the Selection Board shall hold office for a term of three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment on the expiry of their term of office.

(3) Four members of the Selection Board shall constitute the quorum for a meeting of the Selection Board.

(4) No member who is a candidate or whose family member is a candidate, for a post to which appointment is to be made, shall take part in the proceedings of the Selection Board for selection of a candidate on such post.

(5) In selection of candidates for the post of Professor or Associate Professor, the Selection Board shall co-opt or consult three experts in the subject concerned and in selecting candidates for any other teaching post, two experts in the subject concerned, to be nominated by the Rector from a standing list of experts for each subject approved by the Board on the recommendation of the Selection Board.

(6) The Board may revise the standing list of experts of a subject on the recommendation of the Selection Board.

Functions of the Selection Board: The Selection Board shall:

  • Consider the applications and recommend to the Board, the names of suitable candidates for appointment to teaching and other posts and recommend suitable salary for the selected candidates
  • Consider all cases of promotion of officers of the University and recommend the names of suitable candidates for such promotion to the Board; and consider all cases of honoraria, allowances, incentives for teaching and other posts and submit specific recommendations to the Board for its consideration.