Board of Governance
Academic Council
Academic Council
(1) The Academic Council shall consist of:
- Rector (Convener)
- Pro-Rector
- All Deans
- Principals and Directors of constituent colleges and constituent institutes
- Director, Quality Enhancement Cell
- Director, Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization
- Chairpersons of the academic and research departments
- Three persons, including at least two females, eminent in sciences, social sciences and arts, of whom one shall be from each category, to be nominated by the Chairman of the Board
- All Professors of the University
- Four University teachers, other than Professors, two from each category of Associate professors and Assistant Professors, to be appointed by the Board
- Secretary to Government, Higher Education Department or his nominee
- Director Academics of the Commission
- Director Academics of the Punjab Higher Education Commission
- Controller of Examinations
- Librarian and Registrar (Member/Secretary).
(2) Members of the Academic Council other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a term of three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment on the expiry of their term of office.
(3) The quorum for a meeting of the Academic Council shall be one-third of the total number of members with at least two ex-officio members, a fraction being counted as one.
(4) The Academic Council shall meet at least once in six months.
Powers and duties of Academic Council
(1) The Academic Council shall be the academic body of the University and may, subject to Regulations, lay down proper standards of instruction, research, publication and examination and regulate and promote the academic life of the University.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing powers and subject to the provisions of the Act, Rules and Regulations, the Academic Council may:
- Advise the Board on academic matters
- Regulate the conduct of teaching, research and publication
- Regulate the admission of students to the courses of study and examinations in the University
- Regulate the award of studentships, scholarships, exhibitions, medals and prizes
- Regulate the conduct and discipline of the students of the University
- Propose to the Board, schemes for the constitution and organization of faculties, teaching departments, constituent colleges, constituent institutes and other academic bodies
- Recommend policies and procedures pertaining to the quality of academic programs to the Board
- Consider or formulate proposals for the planning and development of teaching and research in the University
- Recommend to the Board, the Regulations prescribing the courses of studies, the syllabi and outlines of tests for examinations
- Recognize the examinations of other universities or examining bodies as equivalent to the corresponding examinations of the University
- Frame Regulations for submission to the Board
- Institute programs for the continuous professional development of university teachers at all levels
- Prepare an annual report on the academic performance of the University of chenab for the information of Board
- Appoint or nominate members to various Authorities in accordance with the provisions of the act and perform such other functions as may be prescribed by Regulations or assigned by the Board.