Dr. Sajid Mohy Ul Din

Academic Position:

Assistant Professor

Teaching Interests:

Corporate Finance, Behavioral Finance, Risk Management,

Fields of Research (FoR):

Financial economics, Behavioral Finance, Insurance, Risk Management, Financial Development


Insurance, life insurance, economic growth, investor’s behavior, corporate risk-taking, board gender diversity


Department of Business Education


Faculty of Business Education

Contact Details:

Social Links

Student Advising Schedule:

Mon to Thursday 3pm to 5pm


Sajid Mohy Ul Din did his PhD from School of Economics, Finance and Business (SEFB), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Malaysia. He holds a master of science in Finance from Iqra University and Master of Business Administration in Finance from Virtual University of Pakistan. He has published in ISI/Scopus/refereed journals. His main research interests include risk and insurance management, corporate finance, and behavioral finance.


No. Designation School/Institute/University
1 Assistant Professor 11-Sep-19 to date DBE/UChenab
2 Lecturer Management Sciences/ Lahore Leads University


No. Degree / Program of Study Name Awarding Body/University/Institute
1 PhD (Finance) 2019 SEFB, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
2 MS (Finance) Iqra University, Pakistan
3 MBA (Finance) Virtual University of Pakistan


No.TitleDetails (Journal Name & HJRS category)
1The Impact of Behavioral Biases on Herding Behavior of Investors in Islamic Financial ProductsFrontiers in Psychology (HJRS-W)
2Let’s get acquainted: an empirical study on Takaful customer-service provider relationships from Saudi Arabian perspectivesJournal of Islamic Marketing (HJRS-X)
3Insurance-Growth Nexus: Aggregation and DisaggregationJournal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (HJRS-X)
4Effects Of Profitability Measures On Free Cash Flow; Evidence From Pakistan Stock ExchangeInternational Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (HJRS-Y)
5The Mediating Role of Risk Perception in the Relationship between Financial Literacy and Investment DecisionInternational Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (HJRS-W)
6Insurance-Growth Nexus: A comparative analysis with Multiple Insurance ProxiesEconomic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja (HJRS-W)
7The mediating effect of service provider expertise on the relationship between institutional trust, dispositional trust and trust in takaful servicesInternational Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management (HJRS-X)
8Insurance effect on economic growth–among economies in various phases of developmentReview of International Business and Strategy (HJRS-X)
9Does insurance promote economic growth: A comparative study of developed and emerging/developing economiesCogent Economics & Finance (HJRS-X)
10Institutional quality and economic growth: Evidence from South-Asian countriesJournal of Public Affairs (HJRS-X)
11Impact of cost of marine and general insurance on international trade and economic growth of PakistanWorld Applied Sciences Journal


Areas of Supervision Finance

Currently Supervising

Student Name Research Topic Affiliation


Student Name Research Topic Affiliation
Shabra Malik The Impact of Behavioral Biases on Herding Behavior of Investors in Islamic Financial Products UOL
Tayyaba Amanat The Impact of Firm’s Size, Profitability and financial leverage on Firm Value with Board Gender Diversity as the Moderator: A Study on the Listed Companies at PSX UOL
Ayesha Khalid The impact of overconfidence bias, herding bias, disposition bias and availability bias on Investment Decision Making in Real Estate with a mediating role of A/B personality UOL
Maria Khushi Effects Of Profitability Measures On Free Cash Flow; Evidence From Pakistan Stock Exchange Lahore Leads University


Course Information (Name/Code) Year Taught Program (BS/MS/PhD) University /Institute
Financial Modeling 2022 MS UOL
2021 MS UOL
Behavioral finance 2020 MS UOL
Corporate Finance 2020 BBA UOL
Portfolio & Investment Management 2019 BBA UOL