
Office of

Research, Innovation & Commercialization

Director ORIC Message

Welcome to the Office of Research, Innovation, and Commercialization of The University of Chenab, Gujrat.

As the Director of the Office of Research, Innovation, and Commercialization at the University of Chenab, Gujrat, I am proud to share our mission to help Pakistan become a knowledge-based economy driven by innovation and entrepreneurship. At UChenab, we strive to enhance our research and economic development efforts, improving industry competitiveness through university innovations.

Our dedication to research and economic growth is central to our role at the University of Chenab, Gujrat. We are committed to cultivating a robust research culture among our esteemed faculty members, inspiring motivation and excellence in all research-related activities.

Our office provides the latest information on technological advancements, scholarships, workshops, seminars, and funding opportunities to both faculty and students. By staying informed and engaged, the University of Chenab, Gujrat can collectively contribute to advancing knowledge and improving our society.

At the forefront of progress and transformation, the Office of Research, Innovation, and Commercialization (ORIC) stands as a beacon of creativity and advancement within our organization. Dedicated to unlocking the power of knowledge, ORIC serves as the catalyst for groundbreaking research, the incubator of innovative ideas, and the bridge that connects academia with the dynamic world of industry. To drive societal betterment and economic growth, ORIC embraces a holistic approach, where research thrives, innovation flourishes, and the seeds of intellectual curiosity bloom into practical solutions. ORIC is committed to propelling the frontiers of knowledge, transforming ideas into impact, and reshaping the future for the betterment of our organization and the wider world.

Office Of Research, Innovation & Commercialization


The ORIC department plays a crucial role in driving the organization’s growth by promoting research excellence, fostering innovation, and facilitating the successful commercialization of our intellectual assets. This strategic plan aims to harness the power of collaboration and creativity to drive impactful outcomes for society and the organization.

Mission and Vision


“To catalyze groundbreaking research, nurture innovation, and drive impactful commercialization for the betterment of society and the organization.”


“To be a leading hub of research, innovation, and commercialization that drives economic growth, fosters collaboration, and transforms ideas into impactful solutions.”

“To be a global leader in research-driven innovation and successful commercialization, driving economic and societal advancement.”



Striving for the highest standards in research, innovation, and commercialization.


Fostering partnerships among academia, industry, and government for holistic solutions.


Embracing diverse perspectives to drive innovation and create positive impacts.


Upholding ethical standards and transparency in all activities.


Embracing change and staying responsive to evolving trends and needs.

Strategic Goals and Objectives

Enhance Research Excellence:

Foster a culture of curiosity, inquiry, and interdisciplinary collaboration.

Provide funding and resources to support high-impact research projects.

Establish partnerships with renowned research institutions to drive knowledge exchange.

Foster Innovation and Entrepreneurship:

Develop innovation-friendly spaces and labs for ideation and experimentation.

Offer training, mentorship, and workshops on innovation and entrepreneurship.

Launch a seed fund to support early-stage ventures emerging from research projects.

Facilitate Commercialization:

Create a streamlined process for intellectual property management and technology transfer.

Collaborate with industry partners to identify commercialization opportunities.

Establish a network of investors and venture capitalists to support startups.

Strengthen Industry Partnerships:

Develop strategic partnerships with local and global industries for research collaboration.

Offer industry-specific research and consultancy services to address real-world challenges.

Establish joint programs that bridge the gap between academia and industry.

Empower Researchers and Innovators:

Provide training and resources to enhance researchers’ entrepreneurial skills.

Create a platform for showcasing and sharing success stories and innovative projects.

Recognize and incentivize exceptional contributions to research and innovation.

Measure and Communicate Impact:

Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the impact of research and innovation activities.

Regularly communicate achievements, success stories, and progress to stakeholders.

Use data-driven insights to refine strategies and allocate resources effectively.

Enhance Funding and Sustainability:

Diversify funding sources, including grants, sponsorships, and partnerships.

Explore opportunities for government funding and support for research and innovation.

Develop a long-term sustainability plan to ensure continued operations and growth.

Ethics, Diversity, and Inclusion:

Establish an Ethics and Compliance Committee to ensure that research and innovation activities adhere to ethical standards and regulations.

Implement initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organization’s activities and partnerships.

Communication and Stakeholder Engagement:

Develop a comprehensive communication strategy to engage internal and external stakeholders.

Hold regular town hall meetings, workshops, and forums to gather feedback and foster collaboration.

Establish an Advisory Board comprising industry leaders, researchers, and experts to provide guidance and insights.

Technology and Infrastructure Development:

Continuously upgrade research facilities, labs, and technology infrastructure to facilitate cutting-edge research and innovation.

Establish partnerships with technology providers and startups to access the latest tools and resources.

Risk Management and Adaptation:

Identify potential risks and challenges, including regulatory changes, financial uncertainties, and technological disruptions.

Develop a risk mitigation plan and build adaptability into the strategic plan to respond to unforeseen circumstances.

Research and Innovation Strategy:

Encourage researchers to pursue high-impact, interdisciplinary projects that address pressing societal and commercial challenges.

Establish research clusters to facilitate collaboration across departments and disciplines, fostering innovation.

Commercialization Strategy:

Develop a clear process for evaluating research projects’ commercial potential, guiding them through the commercialization pathway.

Offer entrepreneurship training and mentorship to researchers interested in launching startups based on their innovations.

Collaborative Partners:

Collaborate closely with academic faculties to align research initiatives with industry needs and societal challenges.

Engage with local and international industries to identify collaboration opportunities and technology transfer possibilities.

Forge partnerships with government agencies and funding bodies to access grants and resources for research and innovation.

Performance Metrics

The number of successful commercialization agreements signed.

Number of patents filed, granted, and licensed.

Increase in research funding and industry partnerships.

Number of startups incubated and their success rate.

Publication output and citations in high-impact journals.

Assessment of adapted strategies’ effectiveness.

Review of External investment

Evaluate the Industry partner satisfaction levels.

Evaluate the Technology transfer signed agreements.

Revenue from intellectual property licensing

Number of peer-reviewed publications

Citation metrics (h-index, impact factor) assessment


Implementation Plan

Conduct a comprehensive assessment of ORIC’s current capabilities and challenges.

Engage stakeholders, including researchers, faculty, industry partners, and government agencies, to gather insights and feedback.

Develop detailed action plans for each strategic goal, including timelines, responsible individuals, and resource allocation.

Establish a monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress and adjust strategies as needed.

Regularly review and update the strategic plan to stay aligned with changing trends and priorities.

Communication Plan

Clearly define the goals of the communication plan, such as enhancing awareness, engaging members, and showcasing achievements.

Specify objectives like increasing website traffic, growing social media following, and improving member satisfaction.

Target Audience:

Identify key stakeholders, including researchers, faculty, students, industry partners, government agencies, investors, and the general public.

Segment the audience based on their interests, needs, and preferred communication channels.

Key Messages:

Craft concise and consistent key messages that reflect ORIC’s mission, vision, and strategic goals.

Highlight core values, successful collaborations, innovative projects, and commercialization success stories.

Communication Channels:

Website: Regularly update the website with news, publications, events, and success stories.

Social Media: Utilize platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to share updates, engage with the audience, and showcase achievements.

Newsletters: Distribute regular newsletters to members, featuring highlights, events, and upcoming opportunities.

Workshops and Seminars: Organize events to engage the community, share knowledge, and foster collaborations.

Press Releases: Issue press releases for major achievements, partnerships, and impactful research outcomes.

Engagement Strategy:

Encourage two-way communication by responding to comments, messages, and inquiries promptly.

Initiate discussions, polls, and surveys to gather feedback and insights from the audience.

Foster collaboration by showcasing how stakeholders can contribute and get involved.

Performance Measurement:

Use analytics tools to track website traffic, social media engagement, and newsletter open rates.

Monitor the growth of online followers and engagement metrics on social media platforms.

Collect feedback through surveys and polls to assess stakeholder satisfaction and preferences.

Crisis Communication Plan:

Develop a plan to address potential crises or negative situations promptly and transparently.

Outline the steps to be taken, responsible individuals, and the communication channels to be used.

Collaboration with Stakeholders:

Collaborate with faculty, researchers, and industry partners to co-create content and showcase joint initiatives.

Invite stakeholders to contribute guest articles, share their experiences, and participate in events.

Regular Review and Adaptation:

Regularly review the communication plan’s effectiveness against set objectives.

Adapt the plan based on feedback, changing trends, and evolving stakeholder preferences.