


We firmly believe in the power of sports to enhance the holistic development of our students. The Sports Scholarship program aims to recognize and support exceptionally talented athletes who demonstrate excellence both on the field and in their field of study. We are committed to fostering a culture of athletic and academic excellence, thereby empowering our students to become future leaders in their respective fields.



The Sports Scholarship Program is open to incoming and current undergraduate students at university.

Students are eligible to apply for scholarships after intermediate. Scholarships (full tuition fee 100%), (half tuition fee 50%) & (Quadrate tuition fee 25%) are available.

  1. Student who represents in any National or International Dual meet/ Championship/ Tournament/Games.
  2. Student who wins a medal (Gold/ Silver/ Bronze) at National Championship/Games.
  3. Student who wins a medal (Gold/Silver/ Bronze) representing any other provincial/ organizational team/ individual capacity at National Championship/Games.
  1. Student who wins a medal in the Provincial Competitions.
  1. Student who wins a medal in the Institutional or District Competitions.


  1. Academic Support: Scholars will receive academic counseling, study assistance, and priority course registration to ensure a balanced academic and athletic schedule.


  1. Active Participation: Scholars are expected to actively participate in their chosen sport and positively contribute to the university sports community.
  2. Community Engagement: candidates are encouraged to engage in community service and represent university and external sports events recommended by the sports committee.
  3. Sport Compliance: Athletes must comply with all sports regulations, rules, and policies set by university and relevant sport’s governing bodies.


  1. The sports-based scholarship can be applied for by the applicant along with required documents at the admission counter for new admission. Or regular students will apply at OSA.
  2. The admission office/OSA will forward the documents to the sports committee for recommendations.
  3. The Sports committee will take a trial of the candidate for particular sport for which the candidate has applied for assistance.
  4. If he/she qualifies in the trial, only then he/she will be eligible for the sports-based scholarship.
  5. If he/she does not qualify in the trial, then he/she will not be eligible for the sports-based scholarship and will be treated as regular admission category.
  6. The scholarship percentage will be based on the recommendation of the sports committee.
  7. The Sport committee will forward the form (along with the required documents) to the Fee Section after the approval from the rector office.
  8. The Fee section will grant the sports-based scholarship in a system after the applicants get registered as a student.
  9. Once approved, the Fee Section will notify the students.


  1. The scholarship percentage will be applied to tuition fees only.
  2. Sports Based Scholarships are applicable for all the programs, except those offered in Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences and Faculty of Law.
  3. This scholarship will be awarded to undergraduate (BS) Students only. MS/MPhil. and PHD degree programs students are not eligible to apply for the sports-based scholarship.
  4. Only those sports which come under HEC intervarsity championships are included in the scholarship.
  5. Letters of Recommendation: Applicants must provide at least one letter of recommendation from coaches, trainers, or instructors familiar with their sports talent, work ethic, and character.
  6. University reserves the right to reject cases without any assigning reason.
  7. Granted financial assistance shall be cancelled as per the conditions stated in point: vii general rules: and the student would not be able to apply for a review of the decision.
  8. Students can only be eligible for one financial assistance at a time. (In case a student is eligible for more than one scholarship at one time, he/she shall be awarded the highest percentage of all the available scholarships.)
  9. The scholarship will be awarded for the duration of the program while the student is on campus.
  10. Students in their final year who fulfill the prerequisites and apply for the scholarship will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the sports committee.


Continuation of the waiver depends on following conditions:

  1. The recipient must maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.0 to continue receiving the sports-based scholarship.
  2. The sports committee will provide a performance report annually on the specific sport for which the scholarship has been granted. This report will be forwarded to the Fee Section and the relevant department on an annual basis, according to the provided performance report format.
  3. The continuation of the scholarship will depend on the availability of funds, satisfactory academic performance, and good conduct demonstrated by the recipient.
  4. At the beginning of each year, the sports committee will review the scholarship percentage for continuing students. After the review, the committee will forward a list of eligible/rejected students to the fee section.