To facilitate the M.Phil./ MS Scholars with respect to their study at the University.


  1. Up to 15% Scholarship (in tuition fee only) can be granted to M.Phil./MS enrolled students as mentioned below term and conditions.
  2. Government officers and schools/Colleges/university jobs holder will be granted 15% scholarship on tuition fee only. (Appointment letter & Recent month salary copy is required).
  3. The approved financial assistance is subject to certain rules stated in general rules and shall be reviewed based on financial assistance policy.
  4. Granted financial assistance shall be cancelled as per the conditions stated in point: vii General rules: and the student would not be able to apply for a review of the decision.


  1. The scholarship can be applied by the applicant along with required documents at the admission counter.
  2. The admission office will forward the form (along with the required documents) to the Fee Section after the approval from the rector office.
  • The Fee Section will issue the fee voucher to the applicants after receiving required documents along with forms by the admission office.
    1. The scholarship will be granted in a system after the applicants get registered as a student.
    2. Once approved, the Fee Section will notify the students.
    3. MS/ M Phil students would also be eligible to apply under the need base financial assistance policy of the University. The percentage of financial assistance will not exceed more than 15%.